Why Beauty Sleep Is Important
4 years ago

Going to bed late? Restless and unable to put your phone down after that quick five minutes you gave yourself to scroll Instagram, and then maybe Facebook? Only to realise that your quick five minute scroll turned into two hours and now your mind is racing?! So you start counting down the hours that you’ll actually have to sleep and you just figured out that you’re going to be sleeping less hours than your entire work day. Eek! So you quickly try to close your eyes and begin tossing and turning as if you’ve been trying to fall asleep for the last two hours?
Girlfriend, you are not alone - though you will be if you don’t own up to it and get that well earned beauty sleep that you and your body deserve!
Now you may be thinking, why am I reading about sleep on a SKINCARE website? Sleep or as we like to refer to it, ‘beauty sleep’ is one of the most important factors for overall healthy skin. Not only does beauty sleep make you happier (amen to that) so that you’re able to get out there and conquer your day, but it also energises your skin to make it feel and appear brighter and more radiant. While running on reduced sleep you’ll find your skin becomes increasingly dull, dark under the eyes and lifeless.
Sleeping allows your body to work harder, heal, recover and replenish. While you’re getting your hard earned beauty sleep your body continues to fight ageing and produces collagen for that youthful looking appearance we all love. The right amount of sleep will ensure your skin looks its best, ridding you of any dark circles and puffiness so that your eyes remain youthful and bright. It will give your body the best chance of anti-ageing and will leave you with a fresh, radiant complexion when you wake so that you can treat your skin to our all natural skincare products that Glamask has become known for, already knowing you have done right by your body.
During the day our skin is busy fighting off radicals, environmental elements, contending with make up and the list goes on. While sleeping your skin has so much extra time to repair - this is why your skincare products always work so well overnight and why we suggest you apply our Hydrating Gel Mask before bed. The increased blood flow during sleep works wonders for your skin and enables your fave skincare products to work twice as well! Try it and we guarantee you’ll notice the difference.
So, here’s to vowing to get our beauty sleep in the name of radiant and glowing skin.
With love,